250+ Funny Chicken Names That Will Make You Cluck with Laughter

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Funny Chicken Names Ideas

Naming your chicken can be a lot of fun! Chickens have unique and silly personalities, so giving them a funny name is a great way to show off how special they are.

Whether you want a name that makes you laugh or one that’s clever and cute, there are plenty of options, let’s check out some fun categories to help you pick the perfect name for your chicken.

Pop Culture-Inspired Chicken Names

Pop culture has tons of cool names you can use for your chicken. From movies and music to famous people, there are so many choices that can make you and your friends laugh.

  1. Cluck Norris
  2. Hen Solo
  3. Princess Lay-a
  4. Yolko Ono
  5. Hennifer Aniston
  6. Chickira
  7. Cluck Skywalker
  8. Marty McFlyer
  9. Feather Locklear
  10. Chick E. Cheese
  11. Drake Feather
  12. Cluck Kent
  13. Elvis Featherly
  14. Meryl Cheep
  15. Britney Sp-Hens
  16. Clucky Minaj
  17. Chicken Spears
  18. Hen Diesel
  19. Chick Jagger
  20. Cluck Rogers
  21. Obi-Wan Henobi
  22. The Chickster
  23. Pippi Henstocking
  24. Kylo Hen
  25. Dwayne “The Rock” Eggson
  26. Hennifer Lopez
  27. Winona Ryder
  28. Harry Plotter
  29. Hen Hathaway
  30. Chickie Smalls

Food-Themed Chicken Names

Food names are perfect for chickens because they lay eggs, and lots of breakfast foods have eggs in them! Plus, it’s just plain funny to name a chicken after something yummy.

  1. Omelette
  2. Nugget
  3. Waffles
  4. Drumstick
  5. Biscuit
  6. Popcorn
  7. Peepcorn
  8. Noodle
  9. Bacon
  10. Cinnamon
  11. Casserole
  12. BBQ
  13. Dumpling
  14. Taco
  15. Frittata
  16. Jellybean
  17. Marshmallow
  18. Peanut
  19. Pickles
  20. Sprinkles
  21. Cupcake
  22. Soufflé
  23. Butterscotch
  24. Pudding
  25. Chive
  26. Honey
  27. Pancake
  28. Muffin
  29. Tofu
  30. Skittles

Classic Chicken Puns

Puns are jokes that play with words, and there are so many good ones for chickens! These names make everyone laugh because they’re clever and funny.

  1. Eggbert
  2. Cluckington
  3. Pecksy
  4. Henneth Paltrow
  5. Chick Magnet
  6. Fluffy Butt
  7. Coopacabra
  8. Cluckles
  9. Cheep Cheep
  10. Henretta
  11. Fowl Play
  12. Chickadee
  13. Sir Clucksalot
  14. Roostafarian
  15. Lady Cluckington
  16. Cluck Norris
  17. Colonel Sanders
  18. Eggsy
  19. Mother Clucker
  20. Chickpea
  21. Hennypenny
  22. Shellby
  23. Rooster Cogburn
  24. Feather Locklear
  25. Dixie Chick
  26. Clucky Charm
  27. Eggwina
  28. Scramble
  29. Rooster Booster
  30. Chickaletta

Celebrity Chicken Names

How about naming your chicken after a famous person, but with a fun twist? These names are a mix of famous people’s names and chicken-related words.

  1. Henjamin Franklin
  2. Oprah Henfrey
  3. Albert Eggstein
  4. Amelia Egghart
  5. Hen Affleck
  6. Ellen DeHeneres
  7. Justin Beak-er
  8. Charles Chickens
  9. Egg Sheeran
  10. Hen Stefani
  11. Dolly Cluckton
  12. Chris Peckins
  13. Henneth Branagh
  14. Scarlet Johenstein
  15. Cluck Eastwood
  16. Hen Smith
  17. Leonardo DiHENcio
  18. Beyonchick
  19. Will Hen
  20. Hen Hemsworth
  21. Cluck De Niro
  22. George Cluckney
  23. Eggie Azalea
  24. Julia Roost-erts
  25. Robert Brow-Hen Jr.
  26. Vin Eggen
  27. Lady Gag-Hen
  28. Henyoncé
  29. Henny G
  30. Paul McCart-hen

Historical and Mythological Chicken Names

If you like history or myths, these names are for you. They’re based on famous people from the past or legendary heroes, but with a chicken twist!

  1. Cluckopatra
  2. Julius Cheeser
  3. Eggmund Hillary
  4. Hennibal
  5. Cluckules
  6. Attila the Hen
  7. Hencules
  8. Napoleon Beakparte
  9. Joan of Arc-hen
  10. Eggith
  11. Henleopatra
  12. Henneas
  13. Genghis Hen
  14. Hennimedes
  15. Beakowulf
  16. Hennifer
  17. Hentaur
  18. Aristotle
  19. Cluckopatra
  20. Plucko
  21. Socrates
  22. Beaker
  23. Medusa
  24. Henric the Fowlth
  25. Egg-iston Churchill
  26. Alexander the Great
  27. Marco Polo
  28. Vlad the Imp-Egg-ler
  29. Cleopatra
  30. Hengea

Movie and TV Show Chicken Names

If you love movies and TV shows, these names are great! They’re like a tribute to your favorite characters, but with a chicken-themed twist.

  1. Feathers McFly
  2. Harry Plopper
  3. Darth Feathers
  4. Chewbawka
  5. Cluck Kent
  6. Hen Solo
  7. Chick Fletch
  8. Buffy the Worm Slayer
  9. Henwick
  10. Squawk-eye
  11. Eggward Scissorbeaks
  12. The Hen of Thrones
  13. Hennifer
  14. Cluck Griswold
  15. Iron Hen
  16. Feathers of the Caribbean
  17. Hen-diana Jones
  18. Agent Egg 007
  19. Sherlock Clucks
  20. The Yolk Knight
  21. Beaky Blinders
  22. Henlock Holmes
  23. Henneth Branagh
  24. Chickie Bobby
  25. Sansa Cluck
  26. Eggward Cullen
  27. Hennifer Walters
  28. Yolko
  29. Clucky
  30. Hen Solo

Literary Chicken Names

If you like books, these names are inspired by famous authors and characters. It’s a fun way to add some class to your flock!

  1. Chickenspeare
  2. Hen Austen
  3. Edgar Allan Crow
  4. Egggar Allan Poe
  5. Emily Dickinghen
  6. Henny Potter
  7. Henslow
  8. F. Scott Feathergald
  9. Henerest Hemingway
  10. Hen Brontë
  11. Mark Beak
  12. Charles Chickens
  13. Oscar Beak
  14. Lord of the Wings
  15. Henjamin Button
  16. J.K. Hatching
  17. Ernest Eggmingway
  18. Henneth Branagh
  19. Jane Eyre
  20. Proust
  21. Cluck Finn
  22. Agatha Pecky
  23. Henjamin Franklin
  24. Roald Egg
  25. Hensy James
  26. Moby Chick
  27. To Kill a Mockingbird
  28. Jane Beaksten
  29. Laying of Green Gables
  30. Eggbert

Random and Silly Chicken Names

Sometimes, the best names are just random and goofy. These names are perfect for a chicken that doesn’t fit any category and just likes to be silly.

  1. Fluffernutter
  2. Zippity-Doo-Dah
  3. Boogers
  4. Bubbles
  5. Chicken Nugget
  6. Tater Tot
  7. Wombat
  8. Gizmo
  9. Doodle
  10. Dingleberry
  11. Flapjack
  12. Foof
  13. Pompom
  14. Squishy
  15. Waffle
  16. Buttons
  17. Mr. Fluffy
  18. Giggles
  19. Zinger
  20. Whiskers
  21. MooMoo
  22. Picklebutt
  23. Snickers
  24. Bumblebee
  25. Niblet
  26. Sprout
  27. Squeaky
  28. Noodlehead
  29. Puddlejumper
  30. Cheerio


Picking a name for your chicken can be really fun, and there are so many options! Whether you like names that are clever, silly, or just totally random, there’s a perfect funny chicken name out there for your feathered friend. Take your time and have fun choosing a name that makes you smile!


Why should I give my chicken a funny name?

Funny names make your chickens even more special and give you a fun way to talk about them with your friends.

Can I change my chicken’s name later?

Yes, chickens can get used to new names, especially if you use them a lot. Just be patient while they learn.

Are there any names I should avoid?

Try not to pick names that sound too similar to each other, or it might confuse the chickens (and you!). Otherwise, be as creative as you want!

Do chickens respond to their names?

Chickens can learn to recognize their names, especially if you call them by name when feeding or handling them.

Is it okay to name my rooster a funny name too?

Absolutely! Roosters can have funny names just like hens. Pick a name that matches their personality or looks.

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