Here we go and welcome the Funny Names for Fat People post for people with bigger sizes. Ranging from puns to thought-provoking names, these nicknames make people find humor in being fat and make it a bit more light-hearted.
In a world where everyone is so obsessed with a perfect body can be toxic, a pinch of humor can be just what is needed. Embracing body positivity doesn’t mean enjoying ourselves and others’ good humor is excluded.
Funny Names for Fat People with Meanings

Here is a list of funny names for fat people that you can use, they will keep you and your friends amused.
- Blubberlicious – A joyous chunky body person who happily flaunts their vivid shapes.
- Pudgeinator – The ultimate terminator of diets, and a man that celebrates all that is mind-blowing.
- Flabtastic – Wearing those extra layers with style and confidence.
- Chonkzilla – A super-sized thing that captures all eyes around them.
- Mr Fatty – Lover of buttery cookies and warm clothes.
- Plumpinator -Enjoying every bite of snacks that magically transforms into a succulent taste.
- Chunkasaurus Rex – A prehistoric oversized fathomless monster.
- Pudgy Puffball – Opaque and soft, with a heart as big as their appetite.
- Rolls Royce – ride in style by adding layers and layers of fluff.
- Biggie Fries– Transforming every meal into the big imagination.
- Chubby Chomper – Exceed all the snacks with amusement and energy.
- Fluffernutter – Sweet, Nutty, And Yet So Fluffy.
- Arco Bueno – Round, robust, and prepared to brawl.
- Wobbly Warrior – A menace of joists with a teetering swagger.
- Butterball Bomber – Dropping delicious, buttery bombs wherever they go that taste like heavenly clouds.
- Girth Vader – Bold, intimidating, drawing you in with their immense gravity.
- Lard Lad – Proudly flashing their belly fats to all the world.
- Plump Princess – Astoundingly chubby and bewitching.
- Snack Attack – The ever-number predator on the food list.
- Big-Belly-Tornado – Twirling through life with zero balance and a huge appetite.
- Biscuit Boss – Taking the art of eating biscuits with prudence to the next level.
- Chunky Monkey – Friendly and mischievous one who loves bananas and ice cream.
- Muffin Topper – distinguish us from the rest with their extra yummy doughy tops.
- Pudgy Picasso – Making artworks from food and fun.
- Big Mac Daddy – Gazing down on the fast food empire from a Maccas throne of power.
- Chubby Cherub – Little angels with chubby cheeks spreading love and laughter all around.
- Porky Picasso – A creation that defines porky perfection.
- Chonkmaster – How to flourish and thrive like a chonker in town.
- Belly Bonanza – Where your stomach meets its match, watch it explore endless choices of the tastiest of tastes.
- Plump Pizzazz – Making sure that the entire chubby process is fun.
- Cuddle Chunk – Everything you need for hugs and hugs, with extra padding for comfort.
- Plump Romeo – Wrapping up their fans in a big hug with all their love.
- Biggie Smalls – An oxymoron of sorts, but one that is simply irresistible.
- Chunky Charmeleon – Changing colors and forms with every meal, yet always making you smile.
- Butterball Beauty – Radiant and glowing, and very tempting by its buttery softness.
- Pudgy Paladin – Their chubbiness being their weapon of mass adoration gets wielded.
- Fluffy Fury – Unleashing a storm of cuteness and fuzzy anywhere they go.
- Pudgy Pantry – A fan of well-cooked foods and of more than generous proportions.
- Plump Princess – Good-looking, heartwarming, and nicely plump!
- Munchie Monsters – Eating snacks famously with massive voracity.
- Roundabout Royalty – The kings and queens of circularity; here to rule over everyone with elegance and fitness.
- Fatty Fighter – A fighter of the fatty state, who always wins.
- Pudge-Princess – Royal and splendid, soft and sensual.
- Snack Sultan – The master of snacks and confectionery, the king of a kingdom loaded with yummy food items.
- Pudgy Picasso – Unleashing their artistic talents in the kitchen at each meal.
- Flabbily Fabulous – Proudly flabby and fabulously so.
- Doughboy – Soft, squishy, and oh-so-cute.
- Snackerator – A magician who, with a snap of snack a finger, produces delicacies.
- Pudge the Popstar – Attention seeker of the small and big stages of life with their plump and aloof personality.
Fat People Nicknames to Avoid Body Shaming

Instead of nicknames based on physical appearance, here are some alternative ideas that are creative and will avoid body shaming:
- Chubby Cheeks
- Cuddle Buddy
- Sweetheart
- Snuggle Bug
- Big Hugger
- Happy Hugger
- Jovial Jester
- Curvy Cutie
- Joyful Giant
- Lovely Lump
- Bighearted
- Gentle Giant
- Plush Pal
- Squeezy Sweetie
- Cheerful Chubster
- Kindly Companion
- Big Bear
- Caring Cuddler
- Plus-Size Prince/Princess
- Affectionate Angel
- Snack Sharer
- Comfort Keeper
- Giggle Giver
- Caring Comforter
- Snuggle Muffin
- Smiling Sweetheart
- Heartwarming Hugger
- Gracious Giant
- Kindhearted Companion
- Belly Buddy
- Snuggle Snatcher
- Snugglekins
- Bighearted Buddy
- Caring Cuddlebug
- Sweet Squeeze
- Cheerful Cuddler
- Warmhearted Companion
- Snuggle Bunny
- Plush Playmate
- Huggable Hero/Heroine
- Cozy Companion
- Kind Cuddler
- Snuggle Monster
- Jolly Jester
- Snuggle Soulmate
- Cuddle Champ
- Sweet Snuggler
- Tender Teddy
- Caring Companion
- Heartwarming Hugger
Fat Male Names

Here we have a list of 50 Fat Male Names that will keep you amused. These names can be used for your male buddies in a light-hearted way.
- Bigby Brawnsworth
- Chunk McGravy
- Rotundus Rex
- Beefcake Brogan
- Jumbo Joviality
- Stout Stalwart
- Girth Galore
- Portly Pete
- Heavyset Hank
- Plumpington Ponder
- Chunky Chaz
- Pudgy Paladin
- Burly Burke
- Chubby Chuckles
- Husky Hugo
- Robust Rocco
- Tubby Thornton
- Falstaff Finn
- Brawny Biscuit
- Fatty Fergus
- Lush Lumpkin
- Mighty Magnus
- Chonky Chester
- Chunkster Charlie
- Beefy Bode
- Rotund Roland
- Stoutheart Samson
- Plumpkin Percy
- Pudge Puncher
- Hefty Hector
- Tubby Tad
- Broad Bruno
- Chunkalicious Chuck
- Portly Preston
- Sturdy Stu
- Bulky Bertie
- Rotundus Ramon
- Brawny Brent
- Chunkzilla Chet
- Pudgy Preston
- Beefy Baldwin
- Plump Pierre
- Husky Harold
- Chubby Chip
- Jumbo Jake
- Tubby Terry
- Chunky Chandler
- Plentiful Paulie
- Brawny Bryce
- Hefty Harold
Funny Fat Female Names

From Chunky Charlotte to Curvy Clara we have a list of funny fat female names that you can use in any setting.
Just remember that these names are meant to be funny, not mean.
- Big Bertha
- Chunky Charlotte
- Rotunda Rose
- Plumpalicious Polly
- Curvy Clara
- Jumbo June
- Rubenesque Ruby
- Voluptuous Vivian
- Portly Penelope
- Buxom Beatrice
- Chubby Chelsea
- Pudgy Penelope
- Chunky Cherise
- Plus-Size Priscilla
- Fluffy Fiona
- Stout Stella
- Bountiful Bonnie
- Curvy Candace
- Robust Rhonda
- Big Bella
- Chonky Cheryl
- Queenie Quirky
- Husky Henrietta
- Plushy Pearl
- Curvaceous Carmen
- Bodacious Bridget
- Pudgey Peggy
- Rotund Rosa
- Thick Thelma
- Chunky Charlene
- Brawny Brenda
- Sturdy Stacy
- Fleshy Felicity
- Plentiful Patty
- Curvy Clarissa
- Jolly Jessica
- Buoyant Barb
- Lush Lorraine
- Puffy Penelope
- Chubby Cindy
- Biggie Bridget
- Bubbly Bianca
- Curvy Cathy
- Brawny Belinda
- Chunky Chanel
- Portly Paula
- Rubenesque Rachel
- Voluptuous Valerie
- Plump Pamela
- Hefty Hannah
More Giggles:
Fat Names for Animals

Animals have many different forms and each deserves a name that talks about their character and looks.
This list is full of adorable names that either match or just fit pets and wildlife who look cute and chubby.
- Chubby Cheeks
- Rotund Rover
- Fluffy Fudge
- Pudgy Paws
- Chunky Cheddar
- Tubby Tiger
- Plump Paws
- Roundy Raccoon
- Fatty Feline
- Squishy Squirrel
- Bouncy Bun
- Doughy Duck
- Porky Piglet
- Jolly Jellybean
- Butterball Bunny
- Plushy Panda
- Chonky Chicken
- Tubby Tabby
- Roundy Rabbit
- Pudge Penguin
- Chubby Chipmunk
- Fluffy Flan
- Rotund Rat
- Plump Puppy
- Squishy Snail
- Chunky Chinchilla
- Pudgy Parrot
- Bouncy Bear
- Doughnut Dog
- Porky Pony
- Jolly Jumbo
- Butterball Beaver
- Plushy Polar
- Chubby Chimpanzee
- Tubby Turtle
- Roundy Robin
- Pudgey Platypus
- Fluffy Ferret
- Rotund Raccoon
- Plump Peacock
- Squishy Seahorse
- Chunky Corgi
- Bouncy Bunny
- Doughy Dalmatian
- Porky Puffin
- Jolly Jaguar
- Butterball Budgie
- Plushy Piggy
- Chubby Calf
- Tubby Toucan
Funny Fat Names for Superheroes

Even superheroes need a good dose of laughter. Check out this list where the caped hero who went a little overboard with the meals could be found.
Whether it is a pun or a completely silly name, these give a lighter flavor to the world of superheroes.
- Captain Chub
- Flabulous Flash
- Super Snacker
- Chunky Champion
- Rotund Ranger
- Plump Protector
- The Mighty Muncher
- Big Belly Bandit
- Chubby Crusader
- Blubber Boy
- Plus-Size Powerhouse
- Pudgy Paladin
- Tubby Titan
- The Incredible Inflater
- Fat Man Flyer
- Jiggly Justice
- Stout Sentinel
- The Plump Avenger
- Girth Guardian
- Super Size Savior
- Big Buffoon
- Chonky Challenger
- The Round Rescuer
- Heroic Husky
- Portly Power
- Pudge Protector
- Bulk Buster
- Captain Chunk
- Rotund Rocket
- Super Snuggler
- Chubby Crusader
- Doughboy Defender
- The Great Gobbler
- Plump Powerhouse
- Hefty Hero
- The Colossal Conqueror
- Big Bonanza
- Mighty Munchkin
- Brawny Bulk
- Tubby Titan
- Captain Chubalicious
- The Big Blaster
- Super Snack Slinger
- Chunky Champion
- The Rotund Renegade
- Plus-Size Patriot
- Chubby Chameleon
- The Fluffy Fighter
- Big Belcher
- Captain Cuddle
Funny Fat Names for Celebrities

Under a spotlight, even a simple fake laugh is comedic; rich or famous. It’s in the lineup of celebrity names that live up to their status and may be making lots of people laugh or, worse, take their pictures.
Be it the names of the actors or musicians they will make you laugh out loud.
- Beyonchunk
- Pudgy Perry
- Leonardo DiCapacious
- Flabby Fallon
- Plump Pitt
- Oprah Plumpfrey
- Chunky Clooney
- Krispy Kardashian
- Biggie Baldwin
- Queen Latifah Chubby
- Will Smithefty
- Jennifer Heavylopez
- Hefty Hemsworth
- Chrissy Teigenchunk
- Dwayne “The Rock” Husky
- Rebel Fluff Wilson
- John Candy Cena
- Kirstie Alleyoop
- Pudge Diesel
- Chubby Chase
- Portly Portman
- Chris Prattacus
- Kate Winslarger
- James Cordough
- Adele Chunkins
- Robust Reba
- Chubby Schumer
- Biggie Smalls Smith
- Fat Damon
- Chunk Norris
- Amy Schumerbutter
- The Notorious B.I.G. Mac
- Jonah Hillton
- Pudge Diddy
- Rosie O’Donut
- Puff Daddy Yankee
- Melissa McFluffy
- Oprah Whimsy
- Chunky Cumberbatch
- Portly Portia
- Rebel Wilsonburger
- Fluffy Foxx
- Kevin Jameson
- Plus-Size Portman
- Husky Halle Berry
- Jack Blackberry
- Biggie Biggs
- Fluff Rock
- Rosie O’Dougherty
- Big Sean Connery
Fat Names for Fictional Characters

Imaginary worlds are filled with different characters, and this list should name those who are graceful and chubby like a cuddly bear.
It doesn’t matter which character you create or inspires you, these names provide that little playful reference to the characters of all shapes and sizes.
- Bigby Brawn
- Rotunda Rosie
- Chunk McGravy
- Beefcake Bob
- Jumbo Jenny
- Plumpington Ponder
- Chubby Charlie
- Tubby Tina
- Flabby Fred
- Biggie Belle
- Portly Percy
- Pudge Pamela
- Rotund Robert
- Blubber Bertha
- Curvy Carl
- Stout Stella
- Chunky Chuck
- Pudgy Patty
- Plump Paul
- Husky Hannah
- Chonky Chester
- Girthy Gladys
- Hefty Harold
- Chunkster Cheryl
- Plus-Size Pete
- Rotund Roxanne
- Biggie Boris
- Chubby Charlotte
- Fluffy Frank
- Big Bertram
- Pudgy Penelope
- Portly Pierre
- Plump Penelope
- Tubby Tommy
- Chonky Cindy
- Chunky Chuckles
- Rotunda Rex
- Curvy Cathy
- Biggie Bruno
- Stout Susan
- Chunky Chip
- Pudgy Pam
- Flabby Felix
- Chubby Chelsea
- Jumbo Jack
- Plump Priscilla
- Hefty Henrietta
- Tubby Ted
- Big Bertha
- Chunky Charles
More Giggles:
Fat Names for Chubby Mascots

Mascots are the adorable icons of brands and teams sometimes they are rounder.
Mascots could not be complete without representing their teams’ missions through their names, so dive into the pool of funny names for these cute mascots.
- Pudgey Pete
- Chubby Cheeks
- Rotund Ralph
- Chunky Charlie
- Plump Panda
- Big Bobble
- Tubby Tiger
- Fluffy Floppy
- Pudgy Paws
- Jumbo Jester
- Roundy Ronnie
- Beefy Bear
- Curvy Cat
- Chunkster Chipmunk
- Girthy Giraffe
- Chonky Chick
- Biggie Bunny
- Portly Penguin
- Tubby Turtle
- Blubber Buddy
- Plump Piglet
- Puffy Puppy
- Flabby Fox
- Hefty Hippo
- Chubby Chickadee
- Rotunda Raccoon
- Chunky Chimpanzee
- Plushy Platypus
- Biggie Bison
- Stout Squirrel
- Chunky Chicken
- Tubby T-Rex
- Pudgy Panda
- Jumbo Jaguar
- Bouncy Bear
- Curvy Cow
- Roundy Raccoon
- Fluffy Ferret
- Portly Parrot
- Chonky Chinchilla
- Biggie Bulldog
- Plump Platypus
- Husky Hedgehog
- Tubby Tabby
- Chubby Chipmunk
- Rotund Rabbit
- Chunky Cheetah
- Puffy Penguin
- Beefy Bat
- Flabby Falcon
Cute Names for Fat People

The beauty comes in all shapes and this list of best things about those with a little extra weight.
Whether it is for a friend or a family member, or simply for fun, these names speak for the happiness and tenderness of overweight people.
- Cuddle Muffin
- Snuggle Bunny
- Pudgy Pie
- Squishy Sweets
- Fluffy Teddy
- Plump Poppet
- Snack-a-Lot
- Bouncy Bundle
- Chubby Cuddle
- Sweet Chunk
- Curvy Cutie
- Cuddly Cakes
- Huggable Honey
- Jolly Jellybean
- Puffy Pumpkin
- Rotund Rascal
- Cozy Cuddler
- Squishy Snuggles
- Chunky Cherub
- Snack Attack
- Chubby Chum
- Plushy Peach
- Snuggle Bug
- Cuddle Bear
- Fluffy Frump
- Snack Master
- Pudgy Pudding
- Sweetie Pie
- Squishy Squirt
- Chubby Bunny
- Plump Plum
- Snuggle Pie
- Cuddle Cupcake
- Sweetheart
- Bouncy Biscuit
- Chunky Chum
- Puffy Pillow
- Snack Snatcher
- Cozy Cushion
- Huggable Hunk
- Jiggly Jam
- Squishy Snack
- Cuddly Cake
- Plushy Puff
- Snuggle Snack
- Chunky Chick
- Snuggle Nugget
- Pudgy Poppet
- Bouncy Bun
- Cuddle Chunk
Funny Names for Fat People Generator
If you have run out of Funny Names for Fat People then you can use our name generator here which will output random names for you.
Just click ‘Generate Name’ to get a bunch of random names you can use – it’s so easy.
When to Use These Names
Are you trying to make life more humorous in all situations?
Here are perfect names for chubby individuals who can bring laughter and joy:
- Writing and Storytelling: Use some of these names to make your stories more funny.
- Pet Naming: Give your cute pet a nickname that brightens up everyone’s days.
- Creative Projects: Motivate the humorous sites like memes, skits, or cartoons using these names.
- Private Jokes: Use jokes between close friends, provided that everyone is fine with the jokes being used.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Are these names meant to offend or insult overweight individuals?
The motive behind these names is just poking fun and everything is light-hearted. We celebrate diversity and are oriented toward acceptance of all body types.
Q2. What if I can’t find the perfect name on this list?
Have fun and come up with original funny names. The list only gives certain hints, and creative possibilities are almost endless.
Make sure you use the names generator if you have run out of names.
Q3. Are there any names on this list that might be considered offensive?
While we still strived to make them funny and not offending, humor is a matter of taste. What is funny to one person, another may see as rude. We advise you to act wisely and not use those names that could hurt or offend people.
Finding laughter sometimes is the best cure, so here are more than 500 Funny Names for Fat People to choose from. We’ve got chubby mascots, fictional characters, celebrities, superheroes, and even pets – all shapes and sizes that remind us of how funny and cute they can be.
It is important to be reminded that humor should be funny and should not hurt someone’s feelings so be aware of that.