Apple’s new Airpods have been a huge hit, but there’s just one problem – everyone is struggling to come up with a good name for them!
It seems like every day a new funny name for Apple’s Airpods pops up on social media.
From “Airbuds” to “Pods”, people are having a hard time coming up with something that really sticks.
When it comes to choosing a name for your new AirPods, the options are seemingly endless.
However, if you’re looking for something hilariously funny, we’ve got you covered.

Funny Names For Airpods (with Meaning)
Here are some of our favorite funny names for Airpods. Check it out and let us know what you think!
1. Airbus
The most popular name for Airpods, and for good reason. It’s a play on the word “earbuds”, and it just sounds cool.
2. Pod people
A reference to the classic sci-fi film Invasion of the Body Snatchers, in which people are replaced by emotionless clones.
3. Appleseeds
This is a funny name for Airpods because it sounds like “Apple seeds” which means that the Airpods are tiny and insignificant.
4. iPods
It’s a great play on words, and it’s also a clever way to show that you’re an Apple fan which sounds cool.
5. Fruit Loops
This is a name for Airpods inspired by the popular cereal because they are both small and circular.
6. Earbombs
A name for Airpods that is both funny and accurate, because they are so small that they could easily be mistaken for earbombs.
7. Hearing Aids
The Airpods are so small that they look like hearing aids and can fit in your ear like one too that’s why we gave this name to it
8. White Noise Machines
Airpods emit a white noise that can help you focus and block out distractions, making them the perfect name for Airpods.
9. Cauliflower Ears
It’s a great fun name for Airpods because they look like cauliflower, and it’s also a clever way to show that you’re an Apple fan.
10. Wireless Headphones
This is the most accurate name for Airpods because they are truly wireless headphones and are best used without any cords.
11. Brain Scramblers
An accurate name for Airpods is because they can help you focus and block out distractions.
12. Concentration Camps
The Airpods are a great way to help you concentrate, making them the perfect name for Airpods.
13. Airheads
A great name for Airpods, because they are so small and lightweight that they can easily be mistaken for airheads.
14. Bubble Wrap People
Bubble wrap is often used to protect delicate items, and the Airpods are so small and delicate that they can easily be mistaken for bubble wrap people.
15. Balloon Heads
This is a great fun name for Airpods, it is always a good idea to have a backup name for Airpods.
16. Ding dong ditch people
Ding dong ditch is a game where you ring someone’s doorbell and then run away before they can answer it. And who likes this game? Kids! So this name is for Airpods.
17. Wi-Fi Huggers
It’s a name for Airpods that is accurate because they need to be near a Wi-Fi connection in order to work properly.
18. Cyber Bullies
This is a great name for Airpods because they can be used to eavesdrop on conversations and record people without their knowledge.
19. Cell Phone Zombies
This one is a play on the term “cordless phone zombies”. It’s used to describe people who are so addicted to their cell phones that they can’t go anywhere without them.
20. Data Hogs
Data hogs are people who use up a lot of data on their cell phones. This is usually because they’re constantly streaming music or video, or downloading large files.
21. Dummies
A dummy is someone who is not very smart. This term is often used to describe people who can’t figure out how to use their cell phones properly.
22. Morons
It is another term for “dummies” which is used to describe people who are not very smart, and a great fun name for AirPods.
23. Dumbphones
Dumb phones are old-fashioned cell phones that can’t do much more than make calls and send text messages.
24. Early Adopters
Early adopters are people who are always the first to buy new technology. They’re usually the ones who end up regretting it later when the product turns out to be a dud.
25. Geeks
Geeks are people who are really into technology. They’re the ones who are always tinkering with their Airpods, trying to figure out how to make them work better.
26. Fandroids
Fandroids are people who prefer to use Android phones instead of iPhones. They’re usually the ones making fun of Apple fans for being ” sheeple “.
27. iPhone Zombies
iPhone zombies are people who are so addicted to their iPhones that they can’t go anywhere without them. This term is often used to describe people who are constantly on their phones, and it’s a great name for Airpods.
28. Glassholes
Glassholes are people who wear Google Glass, a type of wearable computer. They’re usually the ones who get made fun of for walking around with a computer on their face.
29. Googlenistas
This is a great fun name for AirPods and it describes people who are really into Google products. They’re the ones who are always trying out the latest Google gadget, and they’re usually the first to buy a new Android phone.
30. Hipsters
Hipsters are people who are into all things “indie”. They’re usually the ones who were using Apple products before they were cool.
More Giggles:
Funny Names For AirPods Ideas List

- Luddites
- Muggles
- Normies
- Job’s Minions
- Macheads
- Posters
- Smugglers
- Tech Junkies
- Textureless People
- The Borg
- Think Differently
- Tree Huggers
- Uber Nerds
- Windows Phobos
- WindowsBots
- Wizards
- Wozniak’s Minions
- Appleseeds
- Beats
- BleepBuds
- BlueTooth
- BoneConductingphones
- Bone Phones
- Chic Headphones
- Button Macs
- Call Pods
- CANcordlessphones
- Cannots
- Carpods
- CheapPods
- Chromebooks
- Clip-on
- CloudPods
- Cordless
- Crapple
- Datasets
- Airpodsie (or Airpodsy)
- Earbuds
- Earpods
- Fitzpatrick Scale
- FaceTime
- Fake Beats
- E-waste
- Electric Light Orchestra
- Boingers
- Brain Implants
- Buzzers
- ChatBots
- Graves’ Disease Headphones
- Grindr
- Hearables
- Holsters
- Ihones
- GunPods
- Fidget Spinner
- Laserbeams
- Looney Tunes
- Maggots
- Melodyne Headphones
- Neurotransmitter-releasing Earbuds
- Noise Cancelling Headphones
- Nutella
- Oculus Rift
- iPod Shuffle
- Plantronics Headsets
- Poisoned Apples
- Police Scanners
- Radio Shack Headphones
- Airpodsicles
- Robots
- Sennheiser Headsets
- Skullcandy Headphones
- SleepPhones
- Steve Job’s Headphones
- Suction Cups
- Super Mario Bros. Headphones
- Swiss Army Headsets
- The Beatles Headphones
- Third Eyes
- Thundercats Headphones
- Time Warner Cable Boxes
- Earbangers
- Tupac Shakur Headphones
- Walkie-talkies
- Zeppelin Headphones
- X-Men Headphones
- Podzillas
- Xbox Live Headsets
- Zune Headphones
- Airbiscuits
- Alien Probes
- Apollo Guidance Computer
- The Beatles: Rock Band
- Bionic Ears
- Bitstrips
- Blackberry Playbook
- Canalphones
- BoomBoxes
- Bose Headphones
- Brain Implants
Aesthetic Names for AirPods
AirPods have become a staple accessory for many, blending technology with style.
To add a personal touch, giving them unique and aesthetic names can elevate their identity beyond just being a gadget.
- SoundWhispers
- MelodyBuds
- EchoDrops
- WhisperPods
- RhythmBeans
- HarmonyHues
- SereneSounds
- MysticEars
- ZenTunes
- AuraEchos
- SonicPearls
- VibrantVibes
- CelestialChimes
- EtherEars
- TranquilTones
- AudioAura
- DreamBeats
- LunarListens
- StarrySounds
- NebulaNotes
- CosmicEars
- EnigmaEchoes
- SilentSymphony
- InfinityBeats
- HushHarmonics
- MysticMelodies
- SonicSerenity
- HarmonyHalo
- EchoEssence
- ZenithZephyrs
More Laughs:
Funny Names For Fake AirPods
In the world of tech accessories, fake AirPods have carved out their own niche, often with a touch of humor in their design and marketing.
Giving them funny and playful names can highlight their quirky nature and the fun alternative they offer to the original.
- AirNots
- PodPretenders
- FauxPhones
- CopyCats
- ParodyPods
- MockBuds
- AlmostAir
- AirFaux
- CloneEars
- DoppelDots
- SillySounds
- PhonyPhonics
- PseudoPods
- JokeJams
- EchoImposters
- MimicMuffs
- NotQuiteNods
- QuasiQuavers
- DecoyDitties
- ShamShells
- BogusBeats
- CounterfeitChimes
- SnickerSpeakers
- GiggleGears
- KnockoffNotes
- JestJacks
- TrickTunes
- RiffRaffRadios
- SpoofSonic
- AirFibs
Funny Names For Girls AirPods
AirPods for girls often become more than just a tech accessory; they can be a fashion statement, a fun gadget, or even a conversation starter.
Giving them unique and funny names can reflect a sense of humor, personality, and style.
- GiggleBuds
- PrincessPlugs
- DivaDots
- SparkleSpeakers
- SassySounds
- ChicChimes
- GossipGears
- GlitterGadgets
- FashionPhones
- JollyJams
- PixiePods
- DazzleDubs
- GigglyGizmos
- BelleBeats
- HarmonyHoneys
- MelodyMavens
- WhisperWings
- GlamGears
- PoshPlays
- FabFrequencies
- QueenQuavers
- TrendyTunes
- SnazzySonics
- BlissBlasts
- ZanyZephyrs
- TwinkleTech
- FrolicFrequencies
- CutesyCords
- LivelyListeners
- DaintyDitties
Funny Names For Boys AirPods
AirPods for boys often become an extension of their playful and adventurous spirits. Naming them with a touch of humor can reflect their lively personalities and interests.
Here are over 30 original and funny names for boys’ AirPods, each one adding a bit of fun and character to this everyday gadget:
- DudeDots
- BroBuds
- JesterJams
- PranksterPods
- RebelRadios
- MaverickMics
- JockJingles
- TricksterTunes
- LadListeners
- WhizWhispers
- RascalRadios
- KnightKnocks
- GrittyGrooves
- RogueReceivers
- SportySonics
- NinjaNotes
- TurboTaps
- ZippyZounds
- AceAirs
- HeroHertz
- SnickerSpeaks
- DynamoDubs
- ExplorerEchos
- WhackyWaves
- SprinterSounds
- BanditBeats
- WittyWires
- QuestQuakes
- JokerJives
- WizardWhirls
More Chuckles:
Why Are Funny Names for Personalizing AirPods Gaining Popularity?
The rise in personalizing AirPods with funny names is more than just a trend; it’s a reflection of how technology is becoming an integral part of our personal expression.
But why exactly are these humorous monikers gaining such traction? Let’s dive into the reasons:
A Touch of Personality:
Just like a colorful phone case or a unique ringtone, a funny name for your AirPods adds a personal touch to your tech.
Analogy: Think of it like naming a pet; it gives your gadget a personality and makes it distinctly yours.
Rhetorical Question: Isn’t it more fun to say, “I need to charge my ‘Dancing Dolphins'” than just “I need to charge my AirPods”?
Breaking the Monotony:
In a world of standard-issue tech, a quirky name stands out.
Example: Imagine a group of friends comparing their AirPods: “The Giggle Gears” are likely to get more attention than plain old “John’s AirPods.”
Burstiness: Names like “Whispering Walruses” or “Bouncing Badgers” break the usual tech-talk, injecting fun into our daily routine.
Reflecting Individuality:
These names often mirror the owner’s personality or interests.
Familiar Phrase: “As unique as a fingerprint,” these names can be as diverse and colorful as the individuals choosing them.
Emotive Language: Each name is a canvas for creativity, showcasing the user’s wit, humor, or even favorite things.
Social Connectivity:
Funny names often spark conversations and connections.
Everyday Language: It’s a conversation starter, like wearing a quirky t-shirt that gets people talking.
Logical Progression: Sharing the story behind your AirPods’ name can be a playful way to engage with others.
The Fun Factor:
Ultimately, it’s about enjoyment.
Simple Language: Fun names make the mundane task of managing tech more enjoyable.
“The Joy of Personalization” – It’s about transforming a generic product into something that makes you smile every time you use it.
Every person has a different creative mind, so it is quite difficult to come up with one name that everyone will like. In the end, it all comes down to personal preference.
What do you think is the best funny name for Apple’s Airpods? Do you have a favorite that we didn’t include?
Let us know if you have any other suggestions in the comments below. And don’t forget to check out our other lists of funny names for things!