Funny Fraternity Names (100+ Creative Ideas)

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Funny Fraternity Names Ideas

Do you feel like your fraternity needs a bit of rebranding? Or maybe you’re just starting one and need a name that’s as unique as the brotherhood you’re building. Either way, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve assembled an assortment of funny, clever, and downright silly fraternity names that will ensure your group stands out. Whether you’re a bunch of bookworms, party monkeys, or mathletes, we’ve got something for everyone. So let’s dive into this hilarity-filled fraternity-naming adventure.

Funny Fraternity Names (With Meaning)

Let’s not beat around the bush. We know you’re looking for a name that’s as unique as your brotherhood and just as entertaining. Here, we’ve taken classic Greek letter names and given them a hilarious twist. Dive into these original fraternity names that come with their own meanings, so you’re not just getting a laugh, but also a story to tell.

1. Alpha Beta

This is an excellent play on words for any fraternity. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Beta is the second letter, so this name is appropriate for a brotherhood that wants to stand out. Additionally, it’s just plain funny! 

2. Party monkeys

There is nothing sexier than a fraternity that is all about having a good time and is all about wild and free living. They are always up for a good time, and they like to host the hottest parties in town. They also have a secret handshake that will have you rolling in laughter.

3. Booze Bros

They’re all about fun, and you better believe that they like to party hard. But don’t let that fool you; these guys are smart, too. They know how to have a good time, but they also know how to drink responsibly. This is a great way to get involved with a fraternity if you’re looking for a safe environment.

4. Frat Pack

What’s a frat without a frat pack? These guys are usually more mature than the other groups on this list. These guys can hang out with the girls and still keep it classy. This is a plus if you want to find a fraternity where you can make friends and develop a good relationship.

5. Mathletes

This funny fraternity name is suitable for a group of guys who are nerdy, but still know how to have fun. The Mathletes are all about numbers and equations. They can be seen throwing parties with a pi symbol projected on the wall and having a good time solving math problems together. They may even have a competition to see who can solve a difficult equation the fastest!

6. Bookworms

If you are a group of guys who are passionate about reading, this is the ideal fraternity name for you. The Bookworms love to discuss characters, themes, and plotlines from their favorite books. You can find these guys at the library or curled up at home with a well-written book. They often host book clubs and hangouts where they can talk about their favorite pieces of literature.

7. The Music Majors

You could use this funny fraternity name to name a group of musicians. The Music Majors love to talk about their favorite bands and genres and can often be found playing instruments or discussing upcoming music. They often host jam sessions and concerts where they can show off their skills and discuss the latest music news.

8. Brofessors

Choosing this funny name for a fraternity is the perfect way to show off your interest in learning. They love discussing topics ranging from science to history to philosophy. They can often be found discussing theories and debating the merits of different perspectives. They also host study sessions and essay writing competitions to put their knowledge to the test.

9. The Sly Foxes

A fun and clever name for a fraternity, the Sly Foxes are the ones who always seem to have something up their sleeves. They may be sneaky and sly, but the pranks they pull never fail to get a laugh. Therefore, this name is suitable for any pranksters out there!

10. Wisenheimers

For a fraternity full of jokesters, this is the appropriate name. The Wisenheimers are always ready with a witty reply or a cleverly crafted prank. The name itself is a bit of a misnomer – they may be wise, but they sure aren’t serious!

Funny Fraternity Names Ideas List

Funny Fraternity Names Ideas List

So you thought we were done with just one list? Heck no! This next set of names takes creativity to a whole new level. Not just funny, these names are filled with wordplay, popular food references, and much more! So go on, pick one, and let your fraternity be the talk of the campus.

1. Alpha Bologna

2. Delta Delta Dip

3. Kappa Caviar

4. Phi Phi Fajitas

5. Zeta Zeta Ziti

6. Omega Omega Onion Rings

7. Lambda Lambda Lollipops

8. Sigma Sushi

9. Theta Tacos

10. Psi Psi Pizza

11. Gumbo

12. Epsilon Egg Rolls

13. Mu Mu Margaritas

14. Chi Chi Cheeseburgers

15. Eta Upside-Downs

16. Rho  Ribs

17. Tau Tango

18. Upsilon 

19. Nu Nachos

20. Omicron Onion Rings

21. Bachelorette Party 

22. Roast Beef Rho

23. Feta Cheese Fraternity

24. Biscuit Brotherhood

25. Bacon Brigade

26. Spouses

27. Beer Brats

28. Barbecue Brothers

29. BBQ Boyz

30. Burger Bros

31. Cheese Chasers

32. Coney Island Crew

33. Deep Dish Dudes

34. Dog Pound

35. Fajita Fiends

36. Grill Grunts

37. Hot Dog Horde

38. Delta-licious 

39. Mac & Cheese Mafia

40. Nacho Nation

41. Alpha-topia 

42. Ribs Regiment

43. Chi Omega Circus 

44. Soldiers

45. Slider Squad

46. Simple people

47. Pi Pi Poop

48.  Veal-O’s

49. Kegels

50. Wings Warriors

51. The Misfits

52. Goulash Gang

53. The Chocolate Chip Consortium

54. Denny’s

55. The Fudge Fraternity

56. Hardee’s

57. Fudge Family Reunion

58. Marshmallow Mafia

59. Oreo Order

60.  Grunt Giggles

61. Yawn Yeti

62. Pretzel Power

63. Raisin Revolution

64. Wheeze Wiggly

65. Squawk Sloppy

66. Toffee Troop

67. Drool Dopey

68.  Gulp Groovy

69.  Croak Coy

70. Honk Howler

71. Bellow Boisterous

72. Mumble Melodious

73. Pop Tart Posse

74. Slushy Syndicate

75. Smoothie Society

76. Ticklish Toot

77. Belch Buffoonish

78. Zeta Zings

79. Gummy Gang

80. Phi Pho

81. Yip Yucky

82. Nutter Butter Nation

83. Lambda 

84. Piffle Playful

85. Phew Phony

86. Plop Plaid

87. Tortilla Troupe

88. Twinkie Tribe

89. Happy Family

90.  Bunkers

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